Understanding the Health Benefits of Yoga

The health benefits of yoga are many. You will gain more and more knowledge as you explore further. Yoga, health and fitness are a complete combination. Some of the most noticeable and immediate benefits of practicing this amazing healing art include:

Improved Flexibility and Pain Reduction

Through the performance of yoga asanas (the physical movements) the body is stretched in forward, backward, twisting and inverted movements. These movements not only improve flexibility of the muscles, but also massage the internal organs.

The compression and releasing movements of yoga allow more blood flow to the organs, increasing circulation, which rids the body of accumulated toxins, promoting better health. Yoga helps to eliminate back pain. Back pain can be debilitating. Yoga helps ease back pain by strengthening and stretching the muscles that support the spine.

Increased Physical Strength

In yoga, many of the asanas require us to support our own body weight with our arms and/or legs. It...

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