Using A Guided Meditation Script for Peace and Tranquility

Guided Meditation Script

Use this free guided meditations outline and guided meditation script to experience a deep feeling of peace, tranquility and transcendence. Meditation is a wonderful experience and provides an opportunity to draw deeper into your own being.

Guided meditation opens the door to calm the mind and nurture the spirit and does not take any work or effort on the part of the practitioner since you are passively being guided by an outside source. This customized meditation script can be used anytime. You can have someone read it aloud while you relax into a deep state of calm, or you can record this in your own voice and play it back whenever you need it.

Recording the guided meditation script on tape works well, so you can play it over repeatedly. As it is read or recorded, talk very slowly and take time to pause a while between sentences to allow the words to permeate the consciousness, bringing you into a deep state of relaxation. A soft, calm voice is most beneficial.

Choose a quiet environment where you can sit in a comfortable chair, preferably with your feet flat on the floor, choosing a time when you will not be disturbed. Turn off the phone and other devices and lower the lights. Make sure that pets will be taken care of, and won't cause a disturbance while you meditate. It is important to have a stress-free and peaceful environment while the guided meditation process unfolds.

Guided meditation can also be done in a group. Group meditation is very powerful due to the concentrated, cumulative and resonating higher brain wave frequencies that are generated in the room. Group meditation radiates a powerful source of energy and healing, and is a very effective way to bring about profound changes in whatever needs to be changed or healed on a personal or universal level.

This simple but powerful guided meditation script will assist you in your personal goal, whether just for relaxation or for achieving spiritual enlightenment.


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© - Copyright - If you would like to use the Guided Meditation Script below for your own website or blog, you may copy it in its entirety with the credit link to my site as shown below:

Guided Meditation Script courtesy of Giselle Toner at


Sitting comfortably or lying down with eyes closed, let's begin by becoming aware of the breath......

Feel the breath as it enters with a cool feeling and then warming as it gently travels down into the lungs.....

Fill the lungs with a deep inhale, bringing in energy, vitality and prana, the life force.....

As you exhale, feel the body releasing toxins, stress and any negativity that has accumulated, as it drains down into the ground.....

Stay with this breath, focusing on the feeling of deep peace for ten deep inhalations and exhalations....

Feel the subtle vibration of energy that runs through the body....

Become aware of the warmth and tingling of every cell.....

Feel the energy that is in the extended environment, out to infinity, in the entire cosmos, in every part of nature and in every living thing.....

Bring all those energies together and feel them as one.....

Visualize all of that energy shining as brightly as a thousand suns.....

Bring the shining glow of bright energy over the crown of the head.....

Feel it starting to funnel down into your body from the top of your head, slowly going down into your face and neck, traveling down into the shoulders, down the arms, all the way down to the fingers.....

Feel the healing energy and light going down into your chest and let that healing light fill your heart. Allow your heart to feel the magnificent healing, warmth and unconditional love....

Stay with this feeling of warmth and love for five deep slow breaths.....

Feel the healing light go down into your hips.....

Feel it continue traveling down your legs all the way down to your toes.....

Your whole body is now filled with Divine Healing Light and Energy.....

Allow that Healing Energy to completely fill all physical areas that need healing energy.....

Feel it warming, healing and expanding through the areas......

Now bring your awareness to any emotional difficulties and allow the Divine Healing Light to bring peace and healing to any emotional issues or traumas.....

Bring your awareness to any intentions or desires that you may have.....

Hold the thoughts of those intentions or desires as you allow the Healing Energy to bring your deepest desires to life and your intentions into reality.....

Feel your connection to Divine Energy and Light, and know that all is ONE.....

Stay with this deep, relaxing, peaceful feeling of bliss.

When the guided meditation is over, stay seated or lying down, then gently bring your awareness back into the room. Stay in this place of deep peace and relaxation as you surrender completely for a few more moments, then give thanks to your Higher Self and know that you have completed a very healing and profound practice,



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